Apache Dubbo
SDK Manual
Release Information
Quick Start
Quickly deploy a microservice application
Develop microservice applications based on Dubbo API
Dubbo x Spring Boot to develop microservice applications
Dubbo x Spring XML to develop microservice applications
IDL Defines
Concepts and Architecture
Overall Architecture
Code Architecture
Service Discovery
Service Call
Dubbo Mesh
Triple Protocol
Advanced Features
Framework and Services
Check at startup
Distributed Transaction
Group Aggregation
Port protocol multiplexing
Reactive Programming
Service version
Cluster Fault Tolerance
Parameter verification
Service Group
Asynchronous call
Service Downgrade
Generalized call
Stream Communication
Thread Pool Isolation
Call link to pass implicit parameters
Direct Link Provider
Dynamic IP call at runtime
Consistent Hash Site Selection
RPC call context
Subscription Only
Call trigger event notification
The server makes a callback to the client
Local camouflage
Multiple Registration Centers
Local Stub
Echo Test
Call Information Record
Generalized call
Asynchronous execution
Local call
Delayed Exposure
Sign up only
Distributed transaction support
Health Information
Kubernetes Probes
Document case
Traffic Governance
Routing Rules
Configuration Rules
Mesh Routing Rules
Dynamic Routing
Weight Routing
Use Case
Blue-green deployment
Ab Test
Request time-consuming sampling
Threading Model
Server-side threading model
Consumer thread model
Routing Status Collection
Service Reference Configuration Object Cache
Load Balancing
Registration Information Simplified
Call result cache
Concurrency Control
Connection Control
Delayed connection
Stick connection
Support Graal VM
Export thread stack
Kryo and FST serialization
Improve Security
Dubbo Class Inspection Mechanism
TLS support
Access Control
Service Authentication
Custom service container
Graceful shutdown
Host address custom exposure
Log framework adaptation and runtime management
Kubernetes Probe
Docker Deploy
Reference Manual
Configuration instructions
Configuration Overview
API Configuration
Annotation Configuration
XML Configuration
How configuration works
Configuration Item Manual
QOS Operation Manual
QOS Overview
Basic command manual
Service Management Command
Frame State Command
Logging framework runtime management
Performance Sampling Command
Routing Status Command
Serialization Security Audit
RPC Protocol
Protocol Overview
Dubbo protocol
Triple Protocol
Protocol Overview
Instructions for use
POJO way to use Triple
Using Triple in IDL
Dubbo2 Protocol Migration
Streaming communication
Rest protocol
gRPC Protocol
HTTP protocol
Thrift protocol
Rmi Agreement
Redis Protocol
Hessian Protocol
Webservice protocol
Memcached protocol
Description of Registration Center
Multiple Registration Centers
Metadata Center
Overview of Metadata Center
Configuration Center
Mesh Manual
Debug Reference Documentation
Performance Reference Manual
Application-Level Service Discovery Benchmark
RPC Benchmark
SPI Extension Manual
Dubbo SPI overview
Dubbo SPI extension implementation description
Protocol Extension
Call Intercept Extension
Reference listener extension
Expose listener extension
Cluster Expansion
Routing Extension
Load Balancing Extension
Merge result extension
Registry Extension
Monitoring Center Extension
Extension point load extension
Dynamic proxy extension
Readiness Probe
Start Probe
Survival Probe
Compiler Extensions
Configuration Center Extension
Metadata Center Extension
Message dispatch extension
Thread pool extension
Serialization Extension
Network Transport Extension
Information exchange extension
Network Expansion
Peer-to-peer network node builder extension
Telnet command extension
Status Check Extension
Container Extension
Cache Extension
Authentication Extension
Log adaptation extension
QoS Anonymous Access Verification Extension
Extension Point Development Guide
Upgrade Compatibility
2.x to 3.x Operation Guide
Guide to migrating Dubbo protocol to Triple protocol
3.1 upgrade to 3.2
Application-Level Service Discovery
Application-level service discovery migration example
Guidelines for migrating interface-level service discovery to application-level service discovery
Application-level service discovery address migration rules
Serialization Protocol Upgrade Guide
Protobuf vs Interface
3.0 to 3.1 Operation Guide
0 - Common
0-1 - thread pool resources exhausted
0-2 - Illegal attribute value
0-3 - Unable to access cache path
0-4 - Cache entry limit exceeded
0-5 - Cache file size exceeded
0-6 - Thread interruption exception
0-7 - Reflection class not found
0-8 - reflection failed
0-9 - Failed to notify event
0-10 - The current call is no longer supported
0-11 - Service stop failure
0-12 - Unknown exception
0-13 - An exception occurred in the metrics collector
0-14 - Monitoring exception
0-15 - An exception occurred while loading the extension class
0-16 - No actuators available
0-17 - An unknown exception occurred while the actuator was shutting down
0-18 - thread pool executor is misused
0-19 - An exception occurred while processing the task
0-20 - An exception occurred while storing stack information
0-21 - Too many instances built
0-22 - I/O stream exception
0-23 - Serialized data conversion exception
0-24 - Override field value exception
0-25 - Error loading map
0-26 - Warning message when metadata publishing service
0-27 - Thread pool isolation configuration exception
1 - Registry
1-1 - Illegal address
1-3 - URL destruction failed
1-4 - Empty address
1-5 - URL received without any parameters
1-6 - Error clearing URL cache
1-7 - Failed to read and write registry service cache
1-8 - Unregister (unsubscribe) address failed on destroy
1-9 - Failed to read and write registry service cache
1-10 - Failed to read and write registry service cache
1-11 - Registration service instance creation failed
1-12 - Instances of "Registration Service" have been destroyed
1-13 - Failed to execute retry task
1-14 - Dynamic configuration recognition failed
1-15 - Failed to destroy service
1-16 - There are unsupported categories
1-17 - Metadata Server failure
1-18 - metadata service port not provided
1-19 - K8S monitoring exception
1-20 - K8S Pod does not exist
1-21 - No service available for K8S
1-22 - K8S configuration address error
1-23 - Unable to download files via url
1-24 - ZK startup exception
1-25 - ZK destruction exception
1-26 - xDS certificate generation failed
1-27 - K8S monitoring exception
1-28 - xDS stub error
1-29 - xDS failed to read file
1-30 - xDS request failed
1-31 - xDS Response Failed
1-32 - xDS Channel initialization failed
1-33 - xDS service discovery initialization failed
1-34 - Error parsing xDS
1-35 - ZK Anomaly
1-36 - Unknown exception
1-37 - Nacos Anomaly
1-38 - Socket connection exception
1-39 - Failed to get metadata
1-40 - Route waiting too long
1-41 - Istio exception
1-42 - Nacos has a low version service
2 - Routing
2-1 - Execution of routing address selection failed
2-11 - Label routing rules are invalid
2-12 - Label route acquisition provider application name is empty
2-13 - Failed to receive and load mesh routing rules
2-15 - Routing rule parsing failed
2-15 - Script route execution failed
2-16 - Request retries failed multiple times
2-17 - Mock request failed
2-18 - Mesh routing rules are not monitored
2-19 - Asynchronous request failed
2-2 - No Provider available (address not found)
2-3 - Routing shutdown failed
2-4 - Merger interface failed to load
2-5 - Screening providers failed
2-6 - Conditional routing filter provider list is empty
2-7 - Conditional routing execution exception
2-8 - The provider returned an abnormal response
2-9 - Increase timeout check task failed
2-10 - Failed to call service provider
2-20 - Failed to get grouped results combined
3 - Proxy
3-1 - Failed to convert address to Invoker
3-2 - Publish or push service failed
3-3 - Failed to generate bytecode through Javassist
3-4 - Client sending request timed out
3-5 - An exception occurred in the asynchronous response
3-6 - An exception occurred in the proxy execution service
3-7 - Server response timed out
3-8 - Agent failed
4 - Protocol
4-1 - Unsupported protocol
4-2 - Serialization optimizer initial error
4-3 - Interface reference call failed
4-4 - Non-safe serialization method
4-5 - Stream closed exception
4-6 - Deserialization failed
4-7 - An error occurred while closing the client
4-8 - An error occurred while closing the server
4-9 - Parse failed
4-10 - Triple serialization result failed
4-11 - Failed to initiate the request
4-12 - Failed to create Triple stream
4-13 - Server Timeout
4-14 - Response result failed
4-15 - Client Stream Listener
4-16 - Service is closed
4-17 - Error closing all callers
4-18 - Unable to get service model from call
4-19 - Parameter values may be wrong
4-20 - Data decoding failed
4-21 - Insecure serialized data detected
5 - Config Center
5-1 - Failed to connect to the configuration center
5-2 - Failed to register/unregister shutdown hook method
5-3 - An unexpected error occurred while destroying a method call
5-4 - Method not found in service interface
5-5 - Unable to get env variables
5-6 - Attribute Conflict of Interface Type
5-7 - An unexpected error occurred while canceling the export
5-8 - The protocol will use a random available port
5-9 - Service configuration export failed
5-10 - Service's registration interface application mapping failed
5-11 - Registration instance error
5-12 - Refresh instance and metadata errors
5-13 - Model cannot be destroyed
5-14 - Model startup error
5-15 - Model Reference Error
5-16 - Unable to find any valid agreements
5-17 - Parameter value format error
5-18 - Notification registration event failed
5-19 - The embedded ZooKeeper runs abnormally
5-20 - An error occurred while stopping the dubbo module
5-21 - An exception occurred when the service was destroyed
5-22 - An error occurred while initializing the registry
5-23 - Waiting for export/reference service exception
5-24 - An exception occurred while asynchronously waiting for the reference service
5-25 - Undefined exception from custom implementation
5-26 - Metadata exported
5-27 - Inner class API is misused
5-28 - No available annotation found
5-29 - Scan package not configured
5-30 - Duplicate bean definition
5-31 - Status check error
5-32 - Apollo disconnected with an error
5-33 - An exception occurred in the Apollo configuration update event
5-34 - NACOS went wrong
5-35 - Container initialization failed
5-36 - An error occurred during filter validation
5-37 - An error occurred in the processing of dynamic configuration monitoring
5-38 - Configuration parameter undefined
5-39 - An error occurred in the Dubbo configuration bean initializer
5-40 - Dubbo configuration bean not found
5-41 - Failed to read SSL certificate
5-42 - Dubbo certificate issuance failed
5-43 - Dubbo certificate signing connection is insecure
6 - Transport
6-1 - Server connection failed
6-2 - Client Timeout
6-3 - Failed to close the network connection
6-4 - Unknown exception in the network communication layer
6-5 - Network disconnection failed
6-6 - Unsupported message
6-7 - Server connection failed
6-8 - Return data decoding failed
6-9 - Server connection failed
6-10 - Payload Limit Exceeded Exception
6-11 - Character set not supported
6-12 - An error occurred when the ZK client was destroyed
6-13 - Stream closed exception
6-14 - Server response failed
6-15 - Skip unread stream data
6-16 - An exception occurred during reconnection
7 - QoS
7-1 - QOS is off
7-2 - QOS is on
7-3 - Set warning percentage value for timeout
7-4 - QOS service failed to start
7-5 - QOS command not found
7-6 - Unknown exception occurred in QOS
7-7 - QOS Unprivileged Access
99 - Unknown
99-1 - Program interrupted
99-0 - Internal unknown error
Introduction to Error Code Mechanism
What is Dubbo-go
generalization call
Multilingual RPC
Network Protocol
Service Registration Discovery
New Features of Dubbo-go 3.0
AOP and Extensibility Mechanisms
Dubbo's application and interface
Dubbo-go Samples
Quick Start
Install Dubbo-go development environment
Complete an RPC call
Complete an RPC call (the version that defines the interface yourself)
Develop Services
Apply Template
Understanding the Registry
Application-Level Service Discovery
Registry Configuration
Use Nacos as a registry
使用 Nacos 作为注册中心
Using Zookeeper as a Registry
Using Polaris as a Registry
Multiple Registries
Protocol Configuration
Triple exception return
exception information return
Select the network protocol to use
Heterogeneous System Interoperability
Cross-language interoperability with Java applications
Interoperate with gRPC applications
Configuration Center
Introduction to Configuration Center
Dubbogo 3.0 configuration center and configuration monitoring
Remote loading configuration start
Advanced Features
Launching the Application Using the Configuration API
Use ctx to pass context information
generalization call
generalization call
Service Debugging
Use grpc_cli to debug Dubbo-go service
Deployment Service
Introduction to Best Practices for Production Deployment
Docker image packaging tutorial
Kubernetes Deployment Tutorial
Service Governance
Service Status Monitoring
Indicator observation based on http metrics
View monitoring information of RPC calls
Data Reporting Promethus Tutorial
Grafana-based Visual Monitoring Tutorial
Dubbo Go Log Management
Metrics data reporting
Full Link Tracking
Link Tracking Based on Jaeger
Using the OpenTelmentry Protocol
Skywalking-based Tracking
Health Check
Grpc-based health check
dubbogo 3.0 check at startup
Kubernetes Probe
Traffic Management
routing rules
Elegant online and offline
Rate Limit
Dubbo Go's built-in current limit usage tutorial
Current Limiting Tutorial Based on Sentinel
Polaris-Based Current Limiting Tutorial
Set current limit for the server
dubbogo 3.0 flexible service
Service Mesh
Deploy the Istio environment
Deploy Dubbo-go application in Istio environment
traffic management
Use Pixiu gateway to access Ingress traffic
Access Ingress Traffic
Use Pixiu to expose Dubbo-go service
Proxyless Service Mesh
Advanced Features
Custom service call middleware
timeout for configuration calls
Custom Filter component
Source Code Interpretation
Network Protocol
configuration item reference
Use dubbogo-cli tool
Dubbogo Ecological Components
Depends on the adaptation version number
Basic concepts of configuration
Quick start
Rust and Java interoperability
SDK Manual
99 - Unknown
99 - Unknown
99-1 - Program Interrupted
99-0 - Internal Unknown Error
Last modified January 2, 2023:
Enhance en docs (#1798) (95a9f4f6c1)
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